主演:吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 伊莱亚斯·科泰斯 Anne Kathryn Parma Ashley Edwards Rick Macy 李·特格森 山姆·夏普德
简介:The story of a man coming to terms with the sins and secrets of his notorious brother and, in the processIn fall 1977, Mikal Gilmore and his older brother Frank Jr. ride through the Salt Lake Valley in a Rolls-Royce driven by ACLU lawyer Richard Giaque. T
简介:本片根据阿瑟•米勒争议作品改编,对某种集体狂热进行了反思。故事讲述了二战高峰期的纽约,居住在某街区的小市民劳伦斯(William H. Macy)本意要过着悠闲宁静的生活,却不料因戴上一幅眼镜而被误认为犹太人,又因娶了一位疑似犹太女人(Laura Dern)而惹火上身,惨遭暴徒围殴。关键时刻,同一街区的犹太老板从家中冲了出来⋯⋯
简介:Although in America, Helam witnesses the star heralding the birth of Christ, and 33 years later he faithfully awaits the promised coming of The Messiah despite persecution for this belief. Helam's son, Jacob, is interested more in the ways of the wor