简介:Convicted sex offender Lluís asks filmmaker Carles to make a documentary about his life to fix his image. He agrees, expecting an apology, but realizes Gros remains unrepentant. Carles undigs more of Gros's crimes and fights for justice.
简介:Bertolt Brecht, a theatre revolutionary, poet of the state, outsider, looks back on his life in 1956, the year of his death, in East Berlin: from provocations in the Augsburg of the First World War, to the early poetic and amorous height flights in Munich
主演:Imanol Arias Darío Grandinetti Hugo Silva Luis Luque Miguel Ángel Solá Paula Cancio Valeria Alonso Tomás Pozzi Juan Grandinetti Pedro Casablanc
简介:A successful spanish executive living in Argentina, gets stalked by and faces a series of undesired situations created by a man he gives wrong directions to, after almost running over him with his car.
主演:西梅娜·罗莫 瓦迪尔·德尔贝斯 Loraida Bobadilla Elias Caamaño Perez 亚历杭德罗·卡马乔 Luis del Valle Iliana Fox Cynthia Guzmán Omar Augusto Luis Johnnie Mercedes Katherine Montes Paco Rueda
简介:大热爱情片《初恋50次》将翻拍成西班牙版本,瓦迪尔·德尔贝斯和Ximena Romo主演,索尼制作。2004年原版由亚当·桑德勒、德鲁·巴里摩尔主演,讲述一名兽医爱上了一位患有短暂性失忆症的女孩,每天都要重复建立关系,深陷情网。全球票房1.96亿。该片昨日在多米尼加开拍, Mauricio T Valle执导、编剧并制片,Alejandro Camacho也参演。
简介:Isi (27) is stucked in a quater-life-crisis. With a graphic diploma in one hand and a drink in the other, Isi is stucked in a strange place 'inbetween' univeristiy and real life. This place would seem bleak and lonely, if her very best friend Lo