简介:威爾斯啟發了黑色電影風格,又以這個類型風格來處理本片。平靜小城受人尊敬的教授原來是納粹餘孽,聯邦密探微服偵查,引發出連場殺戮。威爾斯飾演教授,與康城影帝愛德華.羅便臣飾演的聯邦密探,大鬥演技,成為一時佳話。殺人毒計更為影片帶來奧斯卡最佳原著劇本和威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎提名,又是他最賣座的電影。 Welles, who had been an original insp
简介:警察欧林(史蒂文•席格 Steven Seagal 饰)刚刚调来到这个底特律犯罪最猖獗地区的警局,局里就发生了一件惊天大案!原本所在警局保险柜内的赃物50公斤海洛因不翼而飞了,由于这批毒品价值连城,局里的每一名警员都有作案嫌疑。作风硬朗的欧林开负责调查这起毒品失窃案,但调查进行得异常艰辛。每天,当欧林回到局里,似乎一双双敌对的眼睛就监视着他。欧林找到了街头混混沃克(DMX 饰)协助他调查这起案件,沃克认为警局内的每个人都有份参与这起盗窃案,包括欧林也不例外。解开迷案的关键就在沃克身上!
主演:Chara Afouhouye Chloé Besson Lomane De Dietrich
简介:Young actors take over the bodies of my grandparents and replay their last moments together. Accompanied by the voice of my grandfather, they tell of escaping memory, painful bodies, loneliness. They tell of loss, talk of life.
主演:夏娃·克尔齐塞夫斯卡 弗拉多·米勒 Ivan Rajniak Axel Dietrich 拉多万·卢卡夫斯基 Pavol Benca Hans Brückner Stefan Chmel Anton Drobný Pavol Feigler Emil Garbár Frantisek Gervai 雨果·卡明斯基 Rudolf Kekely Koloman Matusík Viera Strnisková
简介:A dramatic story from the end of WW II and a remarkable contemplation of the value of true friendship, meaning and purpose of life or the possibility to be human even in inhumane conditions. In a frosty mountain setting a cruel struggle for life takes pla
简介:A group of Irish college students are about to leave for the United States, where they've landed summer jobs in Long Island. Working hard in the day and playing even harder at night, they relish the opportunity to enjoy adult life far from the eyes o
主演:卡琳·甘比尔 碧姬·莱尔 Pascale Vital Nadine Pascal France Lomay Will Stoer Mike Montana 凯西·斯图尔特 Hans-Ruedi Isler Eric Falk Sir John
简介:Madame Yanne is still a very young widow of an officer. She takes care of her pretty nieces Florentine and Juliet, who are currently living out their lesbian obsessions and are currently more engaged with each other than turning their heads around the lus