简介:The teenaged son of a family of bridge-builders is in a bad way. His parents never stay in one place long enough for him to get to know any girls. In this comedy, however, that is not for want of trying. The boy is supported by his mother, who is no happi
简介:很著名的南斯拉夫经典爱情片。本片是Milena Dravic和Ljubisa Samardzic的成名作,后来各自成为前南最著名的男女演员,Milena Dravic出演了黑浪潮一代的众多作品,而Ljubisa Samardzic最深入人心的角色还是在《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》里的精彩表演。Milena Dravic因本片而首次获得普拉国家电影节最佳女演员奖。Young Mikajilo and his girlfriend Malena attend yet another work action. T
简介:长相酷似安洁莉娜-裘莉(Angelina Jolie)的女星娜塔莎-妮可维奇(Natasa Ninkovic),于1972年出生于南斯拉夫的特雷比涅(Trebinje),毕业于贝尔格勒艺术大学戏剧系。在学时,她即参与电影《Tri karte za Holivud》的演出,精采表现令人印象深刻。 1998年,娜塔莎-妮可维奇至好莱坞发展,与丹尼斯-奎德(Dennis Quaid)合作演出描述塞尔维亚内战的电影《救世主》(Savior),不仅打开了国际知名度,更一举荣登俄罗斯索契电影节(Sochi Inter
简介:While her husband is away, Nina sets out to combat boredom. The wealthy woman visits an elderly aunt and frequents the stores and boutiques of downtown Belgrade. She spends the day with a handsome stranger who is obviously enamored with Nina, but the two
简介:Pula Film Festival of Yugoslavian FilmsYearResultAwardCategory/Recipient(s)1970 Won Golden Arena Best ActressMilena DravicCafe patrons are forced to decide what side to fight on when the Nazis invade Yugoslavia in World War II. When the Nazi fla
简介:One of the best films made between the two world wars was In God We Trust (Sa verom u boga), 1932, which was directed by Mihajlo Al. Popovic, the owner of MAP Film and a well-known cameraman. Many companies closed down after 1933, while the remaining ones
主演:拉扎尔·里斯托夫斯基 拉多凡·乌约维奇 米兰·科拉克 达妮卡·卡斯托夫斯基 约万·里斯托夫斯基 Ivan Vujic Svetozar Cvetkovic Tanasije Uzunovic Aleksandar Vuckovic Ivan Markovic Marko Todorovic Marko Bacovic Ljubisa Savanovic Nebojsa Kundacina Branko Jerinic Bozidar Bekirovic 佩塔尔·西里卡 Nebojsa Vranic
简介:《正午》是战后前南新浪潮电影运动(又称“黑浪潮”“BLACK WAVE”)中的代表作之一,它的导演Djordjevic曾在1966年凭借《夜》获噶纳最佳影片提名,67年的《清晨》又在威尼斯获提名,并入选南斯拉夫影史10佳。68年这部《正午》是他的三部曲的完结篇,尽管故事讲述的是关于爱情,但摄影和表现手法都富有创意,甚至可以说前卫,片中有不少超现实的幻想场景,带有表现主义的造型和画面构图。The lives of many people in one Serbian town are changed af
简介:能看到留比沙·萨马尔季奇和米莲娜·德拉维奇年轻时代的样子真好,如果你还记得《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》中的吉斯,还记得《我的家庭在世界革命里的角色》中的德沃婕卡的话,这是一部很经典的前南爱情喜剧片,德拉维奇第二次获得普拉南斯拉夫电影节最佳女演员奖。Touristic season in a small Dalmatian town. Three young men start, each in his own way, to conquer the hearts of foreign ladies. One