简介:Despite the objections of his wife (Florinda Bolkan), a safe-cracker recently released from jail (Kirk Douglas) decides to try one last job. With the help of a circus gymnast (Giuliano Gemma), the thief plans to defeat a fool-proof safe in Germany and mak
简介:威爾斯啟發了黑色電影風格,又以這個類型風格來處理本片。平靜小城受人尊敬的教授原來是納粹餘孽,聯邦密探微服偵查,引發出連場殺戮。威爾斯飾演教授,與康城影帝愛德華.羅便臣飾演的聯邦密探,大鬥演技,成為一時佳話。殺人毒計更為影片帶來奧斯卡最佳原著劇本和威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎提名,又是他最賣座的電影。 Welles, who had been an original insp
简介:Twenty-three-year-old Peter Foster is an only child who lives at home, where he constantly hears his parents arguing. Because Peter does nothing all day, the family goes to a clinic where a therapist videotapes them. After Peter watches his tape, he views
主演:雷夫·瓦朗 Elena Varzi 萨罗·乌尔齐 Franco Navarra Liliana Lattanzi Mirella Ciotti 萨罗·阿尔奇迪亚科诺 Francesco Tomalillo Paolo Reale Giuseppe Priolo Renato Terra Carmela Trovato Angelo Grasso Assunta Radico Francesca Russella
简介:Women wait anxiously at a minehead in Capodarso, Sicily. Their men are underground. The mine is closing and the miners refuse to come up unless the owner relents. After three days, they give up in despair... In a bar in town, Ciccio is recruiting workers
主演:安娜·贝琪兹·诺奎拉 劳尔·科尔特斯 Aida Leiner Carlos Kroeber Imara Reis Adriana Abujamra Cida Almeida 诺尔玛·布鲁姆 Danilo Cruz do Valle Andrea Dias Liana Duval Abrahão Farc Paulo Gorgulho
简介:Brazilian teenager Vera (Ana Beatriz Nogueria) is released from the orphanage where she has spent most of her life. Her brutal experiences while a ward of the State have caused her to adopt masculine dress and mannerisms--a successful effort to wield powe
主演:奥列佛·里德 拉蔻儿·薇芝 马克·莱斯特 欧内斯特·博格宁 乔治·C·斯科特 雷克斯·哈里森 戴维·海明斯 哈里·安德鲁斯 Julian Orchard 穆雷·梅尔文 莱拉·沃德 费莉西蒂·迪安 西碧尔·丹宁 格雷厄姆·斯塔克 普雷斯顿·洛克伍德 亚瑟·休莱特 Harry Fowler Richard Hurndall Don Henderson 西德尼·布罗姆利 Ruth Madoc 杜德里·沙顿 安东尼·夏普 彼得·塞利尔 Dervis Ward 迈克尔·里佩尔 查尔顿·赫斯顿 Antal Leise
简介:汤姆(奥列佛·里德 Oliver Reed 饰)是一个非常贫穷的英国男孩,过着靠乞讨维生的日子。但是所有见过他的人都觉得他的眉宇之间有一种贵气,完全不是小乞丐的样子。有一天,汤姆在街上遇到了一个和自己长得一模一样的人,这个人不是别人,竟然是当今圣上,亨利八世的儿子爱德华(马克·莱斯特 Mark Lester 饰)。爱德华羡慕汤姆能够在大街上过自由自在的生活,没有人管他,而汤姆则羡慕爱德华衣食无忧,永远不用操心下一顿饭会饿肚子。两个孩子一拍即合,决定开一个小小的玩笑——互换身份,汤姆代替爱德华来到皇宫里,