主演:Antoine de Caunes Eric Legrand Francis Perrin Bernard Alane Marcel Jeannin Gérard Surugue Vlasta Vrana ……
简介:Every hero must have a villain - and Lucky Luke has 4 - the Dalton brothers. Fortunately, he's faster to draw his revolver than his own shadow and he has a loyal friend in his horse.
主演:Caterina Murino Fanny Paliard Alessio Boni 尼尔斯·施内德 Karina Testa Bruno Todeschini Carlo Brandt Vittoria Scognamiglio Joseph Malerba Frédéric Quiring Jérémie Petrus Diogo Dória Jose Maria Ramos Luís Gaspar André Gago Maria Cristina Heller Augustin Legrand U
主演:帕特里夏·埃利希 Sabine Paturel Annie Jouzier Eric Legrand 米歇尔·莫雷蒂 雅克·马兰 Pierre Deny Jacques Décombe Philippe Kelly María Blanco Catherine Valbregue Jean-Luc Autret 迈克·马歇尔 Catherine Harnois 奥尔加·乔治斯-皮科
简介:Lili Mercier a des rêves plein la tête. Et la jeune femme, fille d’épiciers de Charenton, compte bien réussir sa vie. Si sa meilleure amie, Sabine, a déjà mari et enfant, Lili n’entend pas faire une croix sur ses projets. Fiancée à Bernard, elle choisit d
主演:Michael Mormentyn David Merabet Audrey Clément Cindy Dumont Benjamin Cordier Sébastien Legrand Emmanuel Legrand Péguy Lemaire Marie-Jo Valette Rémy Clément
简介:It was said that Mouton lived a simple life as a worker at the seaside restaurant for three years and that he was snatched from this life after a tragic night at the Sainte-Anne ball. This is the story of his friends, who stayed in a town now inhabited by
简介:Elie, a young woman from the city, has come to a remote North Atlantic island. It's the spring thaw, and she is here to convalesce and get to know the community. The annual seal hunt is in full swing, and Elie feels both drawn to and repelled by the
简介:达达尼昂(乔治·马沙尔 Georges Marchal 饰)是一名年轻有为的青年,告别了故乡的亲人,他只身一人前往巴黎,希望能够在那里闯出一番属于自己的事业。在一场意外中,达达尼昂和名为阿多斯、波尔多斯以及阿拉米的三名火枪手产生了冲突,四人不打不相识,最终成为了好友,达达尼昂也下定决心想要和他们一样加入火枪队。当朝皇后因为贪恋同白金汉公爵的旧情,而降国王送给自己的一套钻石别针送给了对方,哪知道这一举一动都被企图谋权篡位的红衣主教看在眼里。在红衣主教的怂恿之下,国王决定举办盛大的舞会,并且要求皇后佩戴别针