简介:The story revolves around a retired judge, Mr. Sen, living in a farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. The people who stay in the colony are a handful of social outcasts. One day, the judge is found dead under mysterious circumstances, and Byomkesh takes
简介:In the 1980s schoolboy Joe loves hearing his grandpa's tales of his time as a Battle of Britain Spitfire pilot but with the onset of Alzheimers Joe's parents put the old man into Twilight Towers retirement home run by the sadistic Miss Dandy. Wh
简介:On May 8th, 1945, writer, director Norman Corwin broadcast ON A NOTE OF TRIUMPH, an unforgettable homage to the end of war in Europe. This film shines a light on a lost work of genius, and examines it's haunting resonance to today's current even