主演:Jeremie Elkaim Brandon Waret Pierre Carrive Victor Laupin Arthur Cahn Nathan Bobet
简介:A collection of the best gay stories France has to offer. From tales of teenage sexual awakening, to searing studies of complex adult relationships, these six films are both quintessentially French and undeniably Universal.
主演:伊姆雷·绍什 Erzsi Pártos 特丽·霍尔瓦什 György Solthy Éva Ruttkai
简介:马季(伊姆雷·绍什 Imre Soós 饰)是一名淳朴的牧鹅少年,他唯一的心愿就是能够将自己手中的一群鹅卖掉,换点钱去念书。一天,马季赶着鹅来到市集,哪知道遇到了贪婪的地主杰勃列吉,杰勃列吉不仅抢走了马季的鹅,还暴打了他一顿。愤怒的马季发誓一定要为自己报仇雪恨,他要暴打杰勃列吉三次!马季踏上了逃往的旅途,遇见了一群民间艺人,马季混迹其中,他们假扮成意大利来的工程师,来到了杰勃列吉家中。此时,马季实行了他的第一次复仇。之后,马季离开了刚刚结交的朋友们,再度只身一人踏上旅途。下一次,他要扮演成怎样的角色接近
简介:After the Truth (German: Nichts als die Wahrheit) is a 1999 German film depicting the fictional trial of Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the "death angel of Auschwitz". The film, starring Götz George as Mengele and Kai Wiesinger as his lawyer, is ba
主演:Flora Thiemann Julia Richter Kai Lentrodt Hagi Lacatus Mihai Raisa Marcel Costea George Pistereanu Paulina Hilla Josef Holzinger Hannes Höchsmann Konrad Kohlhaas 古斯塔夫·彼得·沃勒
主演:Malachi Martin Eugene ONeill Robert Blair Kaiser
简介:A child possessed. An exorcist locked in combat with an ancient evil. In the battle for saving a soul, just who really is the 'Hostage to the Devil'?