简介:The Vice Squad Franchise is a Crime Drama Procedural that spans the Globe exploring the lives of a select group of dedicated Detectives as they navigate to take down a web of dangerous international Human Trafficking rings.
主演:Amaneh Agharezakashi Ahmad Azizkhani Ghazal Ajdadi
简介:Manzar, a woman set in her rigid ways and beliefs, has been ostracized by her family and now ekes out a lonely existence. One day, she suddenly receives a call from her sister: her niece has been arrested for not wearing a hijab. Despite implorations from
主演:Prabhakar Kunder Kling Johnson Radha Ramachandra
简介:On the day of Gandhi Jayanti, when meat sale is prohibited nationwide, an 11-year-old girl goes on a quirky adventure in pursuit of a forbidden chicken curry.