简介:Isi (27) is stucked in a quater-life-crisis. With a graphic diploma in one hand and a drink in the other, Isi is stucked in a strange place 'inbetween' univeristiy and real life. This place would seem bleak and lonely, if her very best friend Lo
简介:What is left for an aging, none-too-attractive man whose artistic ambitions faded long ago? The past, once so full of hope, is only a boozy memory of bohemian friends who don’t take him any more seriously than he does himself. Is there any way that he can
主演:Simone Bailly Jy Harris Allan Kipling Mark Wynn
简介:几颗流星袭击地球,其携带的病毒导致整个人类社会频临危机,凡是中其辐射者都发生了尸变反应。没过多久世界就已经被丧尸征服。地球的某处,两个烟鬼因为弄不到好烟抽而发愁,于是他们决定冒险走出自己的保护区,到丧尸横行的外地去寻找更有价值的大烟……When the world is taken over by flesh eating zombies, best friends Tommy and Edwin figure out a way to benefit from it by turning zombie