主演:John Gilkey Alex Ivanovici Marie-Josée Beaudreau Jason Papp
简介:A 13-episode series using various acts from Cirque du Soleil shown on Bravo. Each episode has a different theme, re-imagined in an entirely new way. Filmed in Montréal in 2003.
简介:A group of friends listen as one man tells them a story about a time when, in a small cafe, he discovered a peephole into the ladies' bathroom and became addicted to looking through it at female genitals. They ask him questions and come to conclusion
简介:1943年,法国仍旧处在纳粹的铁蹄之下,在二战最黑暗的时期,法国成了人间炼狱。吉普赛人天性自由奔放、四处流浪。虽然他们的语言中没有自由这个词,但是这种无拘束的精神已经融入了族人的血脉。塔罗什(詹姆斯•提瑞 James Thierree 饰)也不例外,但是他和他的族人却时刻面临着被纳粹屠杀的危险。当时,有50万吉普赛人被关入集中营并惨遭屠杀,维希政府甚至禁止吉普赛人四处流浪。为了躲避恶魔的追杀,他们不停逃亡。某日,经过一个小村庄时,村长希尔多(马克•拉沃尼 Marc Lavoine 饰)和女教师蒙德(玛丽-