简介:Vajont is an interactive first-person VR experience set in the Italian valley of the same name. The story takes place a few hours before a disaster - one of the greatest Italian tragedies since the end of the Second World War. On October 9th, 1963, a land
简介:David studies Natural Sciences at the University of Pisa and is about to pass his final exam. He plans to move to the United States to have further education there. But then he gets a flyer from a girl. It's Viola, who he met three years ago after a
主演:萨尔瓦托雷·埃斯波西托 Giuseppe Pedersoli Peppe Fiore Laura Grimaldi Paolo Piccirillo Jacopo Sonnin
简介:Inspector Vincenzo Palmieri returns to Naples after several years to settle accounts with the past. Palmieri is a policeman who doesn’t like weapons, a pupil of the popular Commissioner Rizzo known as Piedone. He will have to win the trust of his new team
简介:Six months after Wujing's escape from custody, Reddington secretly resurfaces in Manhattan midst an explosion. When a ex mke6.com Blacklister is found at the scene, the Task Force begins to investigate a larger conspiracy at game.
主演:唐·哈特曼 杰瑞米·雷纳 Don Meehan Jacopo Rampini C. Conrad Cady David Mitchum Brown 科林·鲍威尔 Ian Beyts Colin Powell Ian Beyts
简介:该节目把第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战「串联起来」,描述了1914年到1945年一条完整的时间线上的故事(一战时罗斯福、希特勒、佩顿、墨索里尼、斯大林、丘吉尔等人还只是30岁左右的年轻人,二战时已变成风云人物)。历史频道自称这是「同类节目中首创的叙事手法」。The World Wars tells the story of three decades of war told through the eyes of various men who were its key players: Rooseve
简介:The winter of 1917, the North-East front, the final clashes of the Great War. An Italian stronghold situated at 1800 metres above sea level, on the Asiago plateau, described in the novels of Mario Rigoni Stern. It’s snowing everywhere; the Austrian trench