主演:Ivet Zamora Júlia Boncompte Eric Meneses i Villalonga
简介:As the town says goodbye to summer with their Festa Major, all the villagers fill the dance floor. The last to leave are a group of young people who, in the early morning, will exchange their cocktails for coffees while they decide they won’t go to sleep.
主演:Shirley Clarke Jean-Jacques Lebel Jacques Rivette
简介:One of the most direct, first-hand insights into Shirley Clarke's work available. Rome Burns is an episode of a French TV documentary series. In sharp contrast to informal footage, such as Michel Auder's Chronicles: Family Diaries I, here is Cla
简介:Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One day, she may have found her match.
简介:戛纳参展影片,女性导演Ellen Perry作品——《Will》。讲述一个名叫ZUKIC的利物浦小球迷的故事。电影中现任利物浦主教练肯尼·达格利什,队长史蒂文·杰拉德均有出演。海报上最亮点还是红军世代相传的那句“YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE”,海报的背景舞台是2005年5月25日的伊斯坦布尔之夜。影片将于戛纳时间5月16号点映,公映时间尚不明确。
简介:传奇狙击手托马斯·贝克特之子、美国海军陆战队布兰登·贝克特中士受命与战友们从阿富汗前往非洲刚果,对那里的政府军进行培训以使其能够反击叛军。上峰为了撤出滞留刚果边境的白人植物园主,派遣贝克特等人深入叛军盘踞的边境,贝克特一行在见到植物园主后遭遇叛军狙击手袭击,战友全部阵亡,贝克特被猎人马丁救出,侥幸逃生。贝克特携植物园主女儿凯莉返回营地,岂料半路昏厥……当他醒来时,父亲的好友米勒(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane 饰)要对他进行狙击训练,使他拥有复仇的能力,然而陆战队出身的贝克特不齿狙击手的“猥琐”,拒绝训