简介:In 1963, in the village of Milagres in a very poor area of Brazil, a group of soldiers arrive to protect the store of a politician from a group of starving people. They have rifles for guarding the food and avoid the sacking by the population. One of the
简介:"O Assalto ao Trem Pagador" is a classic of the Brazilian Cinema. Based on a true event, indeed one of the boldest heist in the Brazilian history, the film is very impressive even in the present days. The accuracy and realism of the scenes recal
主演:克劳迪奥·乔治恩 安东尼奥·纳塔利 Antonio Bicchi Stefano Boeri Massimo Cacciari Gigetta Dalli Regoli Maria Teresa Fiorio Maurizio Longoni Gianvito Martino Cosimo Marzo Paolo Mazzarello Climaco Monti Claudio Salsi
简介:文艺复兴巨匠莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)逝世500周年之际,弗朗切斯科·因菲尼奇(Francesco Invernizzi)执导的这部纪录片从达·芬奇浩如烟海的手稿着手,通过AI技术开展数字化分析,同时采访了来自世界各地的艺术家、史学家、工程师和前沿科技公司,用最先进的研究成果,再次带人们领略达·芬奇为人类科学与艺术带来的巨大贡献与启迪。《蒙娜丽莎》《最后的晚餐》《岩间圣母》……很多人通过达·芬奇非凡的绘画成就而认识他,爱因斯坦则断言他是“人类历史上绝无仅有的全才”,其研究范
主演:丹尼尔·帕迪亚 Mike Prater Jon Harris Evan Maiorini Neil Taylor Taylor Neil Ganesh Karumuri Molly Conlin Kellen McDowell Creativ Liz Carl Langley Edward Pine Leah Smith Matt Kad Sungwan Cho
主演:Tracy Handfuss ... Toni Carrione - The Goddaughter John Paul Jones ... Johnny Fagan - The Consigliori Diana Hardy ... Bonny Carrione Margot Devletian ... Frankie Fountain ........
简介:"THE GODDAUGHTER" ... "She Made Him an Offer He Couldn't Refuse!"The Godfather is a "sissy", and the "Mob" bumps him off. Since the old man has already passed away, his daughter, "Sonny" Carrione and
主演:鲁杰罗·雷蒙迪 Wieslaw Ochman Viorica Cortez Peter Meven Aage Haugland Kenneth Riegel Charles Burles Roger Soyer Zehava Gal Rouslan Raichev LOpéra de Paris
简介:Recording of a performance of Shostakovich's version in the Palais Garnier.