主演:罗密·施耐德 米歇尔·皮科利 赫尔穆特·格里姆 多米尼克·拉布里埃 杰拉德·克雷恩 马修·加里瑞 Jacques Martin Wendelin Werner 马塞尔·博佐内 克里斯蒂亚娜·科昂迪 皮埃尔·迈克尔 Véronique Silver 玛丽亚·雪儿 Raymond Aquilon Béatrice Avoine Martine de Breteuil Stephan Meldegg 雅各·诺勒 让·雷诺 伊莎贝尔·萨多扬
简介:故事发生于1933年的柏林,著名歌唱家艾尔莎(罗密·施奈德 Romy Schneider 饰)的丈夫麦克(赫尔穆特·格里姆 Helmut Griem 饰)遭到了德军的逮捕,为了将丈夫救出来,艾尔莎带着收养的弃婴马克思(Wendelin Werner 饰)来到了巴黎。艾尔莎想尽了一切办法救麦克,为此甚至不惜将自己的身体献给了邪恶的纳粹,最终,艾尔莎受尽侮辱终于如愿以偿。可就在麦克出狱后没多久,夫妻两人就被德军双双杀死,这一切都被马克思看在眼里。幸运的马克思死里逃生,并且在半个世纪之后找到了当年杀死他养父母
主演:Salvador Wood Manuel Estanillo Silvia Planas Gaspar de Santelices
简介:A Cuban worker dies accidentally and is buried together with his union card. It soon turns out that the widow will absolutely need the card for claiming her pension. Young nephew starts his hilarious fight against the authorities in order to disinter and
简介:本片改编自日本推理小说家江户川乱步1928年的同名小说。法国教授阿历克斯·法约尔(伯努瓦·马吉梅 Benoît Magimel 饰)是研究神秘的日本黑暗侦探小说家平田一郎的专家。阿历克斯自己的侦探小说在日本出版后取得了巨大成功,受邀来到京都参加宣传活动,他告诉出版社的本田(岛冈现 Gen Shimaoka 饰)他非常想拜见平田一郎,但几番努力均不得法。在一次晚宴中,阿历克斯认识了京都知名艺伎玉子(源利华 Lika Minamoto 饰),不禁陷入情网。玉子告诉阿历克斯自己的旧情人正是平田一郎。为情所动的阿
主演:Justin Rice Brendan Sexton III Laura Breckenridge
简介:Let Them Chirp Awhile – the title comes from an Emerson poem with only tangential reference to the movie itself– revolves around flailing young East Village screenwriter Bobby (played with amusing self-debasement by Justin Rice), his best friend Scott, an
简介:It is afternoon at the time of the winter solstice. A small house stands on a hill overlooking the inland sea. Inside, an old man lies ill on a bed, attended by his son and daughter-in-law. Outside, another man sits by the door keeping vigil. Down on the