简介:Dark By Noon is a time-travel thriller set in an alternate 1993. A world where history has unfolded differently, rendering the world unrecognizable. The film deals with themes of betrayal, greed and revenge. The film's protagonist is Robert "Rez
主演:Jonathon Saxman Rachel Carey Kairel Powell Michael Goffus Levi Ryan Katrina Buchanan Victoria Buchtan Luke Carter Clay Glenny Matt Gray Macy McKnight Clayton Moriarty Spencer Thurman Hannah Vislocky
简介:A coming-of-age story with elements of the action-adventure/fantasy/sci-fi genres. An ensemble cast of unique characters interact in both the 'real world' and the virtual world of video games, which creates an interesting dichotomy in the movie&
主演:汤姆·斯凯里特 米拉·索维诺 Annie Gonzalez Wally Dalton Diego Collie 维多利亚·萨默 Jule Johnson Lauren Du Pree Nick Sage Palmieri Sharva Maynard Robert Fuentes John Paulsen Thurman Kellogg Tee Dennard Kris Kristensen