简介:Eight twenty-somethings gather together to celebrate the birthday of a mutual friend. Before the evening concludes, relationships are tested, hearts are broken and passions are renewed. Written and directed by Matt Riddlehoover.
简介:Two nerdish high school students turn into high-tech superheroes when they accidentally stumble onto a hidden cache of alien armor and weaponry in the school's basement. What will they do, though, when the extraterrestrial treasure's owner comes
主演:Dave Hoover George Mendonça Raymond A. Mendez Rodney Brooks
简介:驯兽师戴维•胡佛(DaveHoover)、园艺师乔治•蒙德卡(George Mendonça)、鼹鼠专家雷•门兹(Raymond A. Mendez)、机器人发明家罗德尼•布洛克斯(Rodney Brooks),这四个看起来全不搭调的人被聚集在同一个影片中。他们畅谈自己的人生、工作以及点点滴滴的感悟,这四个似乎风马牛不相及的行业,隐约却又有着些许关联。本片荣获1997年波士顿影评人协会奖最佳纪录片奖、1998年弗罗里达影评人协会奖最佳纪录片奖、1998年独立精神奖真实奖、1998年堪城影评人协会奖最佳
主演:Richard Cardella Glen Roberts 马克·西格尔 Bob Hyman Richard Garrison Kacey Cobb Michael F. Hoover
简介:A meteor that crashed into Oregon's Crater Lake unearths a dinosaur egg. The heat from the meteor causes the egg to hatch, and the emerging dinosaur takes to snacking on the locals.
简介:未来,随着科技的不断进步,人类医学也达到前所未有的高度。当你某个器官患有疾病时,不用担心自己会死于非命,也不必苦苦等待遥遥无期的捐赠器官,只要移植人造器官即可回归正常的生活。当然,天下没有免费的午餐,全新的器官伴随着高昂的购买金,受移植者一旦无法承担这笔费用,将面临被杀害并被夺走器官的悲惨命运。 雷米(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)隶属这家销售器官的联盟公司,他的工作