简介:The story is about a will. A man has passed away and everybody is gathering around his body. His last will was that after his death his body will be give to the medical university to be used in their medical researches. But his daughter who has returned h
简介:Isi (27) is stucked in a quater-life-crisis. With a graphic diploma in one hand and a drink in the other, Isi is stucked in a strange place 'inbetween' univeristiy and real life. This place would seem bleak and lonely, if her very best friend Lo
主演:Ivan Anderson Aram Arami Matthias Brenner Luise Heyer Julia Jäger Özgür Karadeniz Ronald Kukulies Carlo Ljubek Ilyes Moutaoukkil Petra Michelle Nérette
简介:During a soccer game, young Hannes is hit in the head by a ball and falls into coma. He has suffered massive cerebral haemorrhages and the doctors declare him brain dead. His parents, Esther and her ex-husband Frank, face the most difficult decision ever:
主演:Barbara Laage Mário Benvenutti Pedro Paulo Hatheyer
简介:Walter Hugo Khouri号称是巴西电影界的伯格曼,〈空洞的夜〉(1964)〈燃烧的躯体〉(1966)和〈好色之徒〉(1968)是他的人性三部曲,在他的影片中充满着存在主义的疑问、角色复杂内心的独白和现代主义的电影语言。I think that Walter Hugo Khouri was inspired by Antonioni's "Deserto Rosso", when he made "Corpo Ardente". There
主演:让-弗朗索瓦·斯泰弗南 维尔日妮·泰弗内 伊瓦·特吕弗特 Nicole Félix Chantal Mercier Tania Torrens René Barnerias Katy Carayon Jean-Marie Carayon Annie Chevaldonne Francis Devlaeminck Michel Dissart Michele Heyraud Paul Heyraud Jeanne Lobre Vincent Touly
简介:In the town of Thiers, summer of 1976, teachers and parents give their children skills, love, and attention. A teacher has his first child, a single mother hopes to meet Mr. Right, another mom reaches out to Patrick, a motherless lad who is just discoveri