简介:In suburban Tokyo, commuters find themselves waiting every day with the same group of strangers for the same seat on the same train. Until one day, things change.
简介:Mamat is a native of Kelantan, Malaysia, but he had left Malaysia many years earlier to join his brother Lazim in South Thailand in order to continue making his living as a trainer of fighting bulls . The practice had been outlawed in Malaysia but continu
简介:Tracks:01. Heinilla Harkien02. Ave Maria Op. 8003. Varpunen Jouluaamuna04. Maa On Niin Kaunis05. Concert Etude06. En Etsi Valtaa Loistoa07. Arkihuolesi Kaikki Heita08. Improvisation on Christmas Themes09. Ave Maria10. You Would Have Loved This1