主演:Goya Toledo Darío Grandinetti Fernando Guillén Robert Forcadell
简介:迪亚兹是个患有精神病的大学教授,他和精神病医师劳拉结婚2年,之后便开始分居。4年后,迪亚兹绑架了劳拉,并称他在4年中以杀人为快乐,其间已杀死18个人,而且都是没有留下任何线索的完美作案。他威逼劳拉玩连词游戏,用挖眼作输赢的赌注。而此时,警方接到了报案说劳拉失踪……A mild-mannered psychopath plays mind-games with a woman he has tied to a chair in his basement
简介:Jean Gourguet's 1928 49-minute silent feels like a French precursor to Siodmak's 1930 "Menschen am Sonntag". It shows us how Parisians of the 1920s spent their Sundays, by following the progress of four young people on their day off -
主演:奥利弗·托拜厄斯 Jeremy Gilley Oona Kirsch Cristina Goyanes Struan Rodger David Prachar Jana Svandová Jan Preucil Miroslav Táborský Jan Kanyza Dagmar Bláhová Zdenek Podhurský Karel Hábl Borivoj Navrátil Jan Stastný
简介:Sometime in the distant future, several earthlings turn up on a strange planet ruled over by a despotic ruler with magic powers. A young earth-man initiates a successful uprising.
主演:奥内拉·穆蒂 露西娅·波塞 Glen Lee Carmen de Lirio 卡特丽娜·波拿托 刘易斯·达维拉 Blanca Sendino Concha Goyanes 基蒂·曼维尔 Fernando Sánchez Polack Juana Azorín
简介:The widow Alexandra and her schoolgirl daughter Sandra live together in a luxurious villa in Córdoba, Andalucía, Spain. When Fernando, an old love of Alexandra's, appears in town the two rekindle their love affair until Alexandra finds that he is bei