简介:Disappointed by its creation, the almighty being that created Man arrives on Earth in a human form and interacts with various troubled, wicked and sinful people on his journey to Vegas.
简介:這張羅伯殭屍的首部演唱會藍光影碟,是選在2013年8月所舉辦的德州演唱會現場錄製,驚人的燈光音效與誇張的舞台演出,加上16首生涯經典大作包括“Dragula”、 “Dead City Radio and the New Gods of Super Town” 、“Living Dead Girl”、“More Human Than Human”…等,對於所有金屬樂迷來說意義重大,因為他一次演唱了他在White Zombie時期的經典代表作,到單飛搖身一變羅伯殭屍的經典暢銷歌曲,巨型奇幻的搖滾嘉年華會
主演:Fe GingGing Hyde Perry Dizon 索利曼·克鲁兹 Cedrick Juan Donna Cariaga Mark Jheroben Buada Raul Tamayo
简介:A layered historical docudrama centred on a forgotten Filipino revolutionary who led a peasant revolt against American colonialism.一个电影制作者重访了小镇Tayug来筹备她的新片,她想要拍摄当地的英雄Pedro Calosa和1931年的Tayug事件。她重访那些故址,想象着自己电影中的场景。随着她对Tayug的调查不断深入,当地居民对Pedro Calosa和1931年的
简介:Radio singer Glory Eden is publicized as the ideal of American womanhood, in order to sell the sponsor's product Ippsie-Wippsie Washcloths. In reality, Glory would like to at least sample booze, jazz, gambling, and men. When the strain of representin
简介:Troubled with union problems in his business and lonely on his birthday because his wife, Martha, is out with a playboy, millionaire Timothy Borden meets unemployed and hungry Mary Grey in a park and convinces her to help him celebrate at a nightclub. Muc
简介:Creature of habit, Jon Smith, spends his days mindlessly working as a barista in New York City. When night falls, this seeming everyman savagely kills "filthy women" as his social outlet. A chance encounter with Delia, a young prostitute
简介:At the turn of the century Rose and ex-showbiz friend Molly get involved in selling steel. When they come unstuck with corsets they embark on the even more hazardous project of selling barbed wire to highly suspicious Texas cowboys.