主演:Michela Cova Mattia De Gasperis Andrea Semeghini
简介:Valerio is a solitary adolescent who is unable to enjoy his marvellous age, unlike many of his peers: he limits himself to observing his companions, trying to imitate them and find excuses to behave like them, but keeping his distance. In an unceasing, am
简介:Feet of Song explores the African rhythms of the talking drum and the guitar. The animated stylised figures move beautifully in time with the music, leaping and stamping to the musical score. The bursts of abstraction within the film are often just a few
简介:马塞尔(布鲁诺·克雷默 Bruno Cremer 饰)成长在一个破碎的家庭之中,父亲离开了他,他和母亲过着相依为命的生活。为了养家糊口,马塞尔跟随着母亲搬到巴黎郊区的一个街区中,母亲整日忙于工作,留给马塞尔的只有无穷无尽的孤独。马塞尔和母亲所在的,并非一个太平的社区,这里处处充斥着暴力,洋溢着犯罪的气息。一次偶然中,马塞尔结识了名为让(弗朗索瓦·尼格雷特 François Négret 饰)的男孩。让是一个终日游手好闲的小混混,在让的耳濡目染之下,马塞尔渐渐走上了歧途。刚开始孩子们只是小偷小摸,渐渐的,
简介:阿富汗人穆罕穆德(文森特·加洛 Vincent Gallo 饰)在荒芜的山地中偶遇三名美军,他在惊慌失措中用手中的武器杀死了他们。穆罕穆德被随后赶到的美军活捉,在美军监狱中遭到审讯和虐待。在押解的路上,美军车辆遭遇车祸,默罕默德于混乱中意外的获得了自由。他在冰天雪地中杀死过路人,抢夺了车辆和衣服,又在美军的追踪中杀死军犬。在杳无人烟的森林中,默罕默德依靠树皮充饥,为生存进行卓绝的困兽之斗,在冰雪的侵袭中,他依稀看到了往日的时光,并神奇的感知未来发生的事情。默罕默德的逃亡之路伴随着几乎随机发生的杀戮,恶劣的
主演:Gloria Antonelli Danièle Braunstein Anna Coliva Daniela Ferretti Dino Gasperini
简介:This film documents the transportation of 69 beautiful statues from the Louvre in Paris, to Galleria Borghese in Rome. The statues were meticulously transported all together for the first and last time for a great exhibition.