简介:A woman has been brutally struck down by a car and the two drivers have been obtained by the police. The unorthodox commander-in-chief decides to check out the assailant's car for himself ...
简介:A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human trafficking ring, but her daughter’s illness and a drug addiction prevents her from delivering her usual share.
简介:In XVI century Nueva Espana, mysterious sword fighter Cruz Diablo (a sort of Spanish Robin Hood) terrorizes rich people with his signature, a cross made with his sword in people's forehead. Knowing that evil Diego is being taken for Conde de Luna and
简介:这是导演的成名之作,罗伯特自掏腰包拍了这部低成本的黑色电影,结果一炮而红。影片讲述的是一名心狠手辣的罪犯成功越狱后,来到小镇伺机找他的仇家报仇,仇家的手下只知道那个罪犯将武器藏在吉他盒子里随身携带,而从来都没有见过他本人。一名流浪的吉他手(卡洛斯•加拉尔多 Carlos Gallardo饰)凑巧这时来到小镇谋生,于是,莫名其妙的他就被卷入了一场不知所谓的追杀中。追杀的场面被导演演绎的笑料百出,黑色幽默表现的淋漓尽致。