简介:When Enrico comes back home for his father's funeral he discovers that his brother Cesare and his sister Verde may be involved in the death of his father, then he starts to suspect that he could be the next victim of his siblings. Soon paranoia and i
简介:很多人知道巴塔耶(Georges Bataille, 1897-1962)是怪才。在熱鬧的巴黎文化圈,他的路數獨特,有別於戰後當時強勢的存在主義,為傅柯、德希達等下一代指出新路。他比前衛更前衛,顛覆主體性,追求極致經驗,不斷尋找超越界限的縫隙:搞神聖人類學(差點演出活人祭祀)、參與超現實主義運動(但跟布賀東決裂)、自創「普遍經濟」理論(超克「匱乏、累積」的經濟思想)、開出尼采新讀法(脫離黑格爾體系)、建構異質文化史、也創作爭議性的情色「極限文本」。《眼睛的故事》(Histoire de l’oeil,