主演:Markie Adams 罗伯托·阿奎尔 Tina Arning Lauren Barnette Christina Collard Chelsea Edmundson Ben Esler 凡妮莎·李·艾维甘 Gloria Ferman Alizee Gaillard Karli Rae Grogan Serena Hendrix 卡梅隆·贾宝 斯特林·琼斯 菲利浦·卡纳
简介:The Morning After is a feature film that consists of 8 vignettes that are inter-cut throughout the film. The 8 vignettes are about when you wake up next to someone the next morning...
简介:本影片由六个故事组成,演绎六个堕落者的故事:《游手好闲(the deadbeat)》,猪脚拉里·银行从小丧父、母亲改嫁,失教的他长大后只有游手好闲,与室友玩弄有夫之妇,遭其夫暴揍;《怨妇(the scorned woman)》,女猪脚阿莱娜·赛芝被男友玩弄后,裸照被其传到网络,一生毁掉后持枪疯狂报复负情汉;《毒贩(the drug dealer)》,维克多·银行因吸毒上瘾而从事贩毒,糟糕的是搭档在持枪抢毒时被毙,载着搭档的尸体驾车逃亡,路遇巡警,维克多惊慌开枪打死警察;《街头骗子(the street h
简介:Partisans battle Chetniks in World War II Yugoslavia in this film which illuminates the characters of individuals on both sides of the conflict more than is usual. In the story, the group of partisans being followed is slowly decimated by their conflicts.