简介:The film tells of the tragic events in the aftermath of the Kyrgyz popular revolt of 1916. "White Mountains" was the first film to express the spirit of the nation, its wisdom, strength and perseverance during hard times. The image of the Blind
简介:A four-part documentary series focusing on the legends that helped launched TV and left lasting impression on sitcoms, talk shows, variety shows and game shows in television's early years.
简介:乔恩(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)和艾琳娜(克莱尔·丹妮斯 Claire Danes 饰)的婚姻离终点线只差一纸离婚协议了。此刻的乔恩正在机场贵宾休息室里静静等待,等待着日理万机的艾琳娜现身,两人共同完成这场离婚。可是,乔恩最终没能够等到艾琳娜,却等来了乔治(Harry Ditson 饰)和阿瑟(马克·斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)这两个陌生男人,他们是艾琳娜的经纪人戴维(艾伦·阿姆斯特朗 Alun Armstrong 饰)派来的。艾琳娜是一位誉满全球的花样滑冰运动员,她用
简介:因为一次意外,身经百战的杀手弗兰克(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)失手被抓,然而,在被押解的途中,弗兰克一行人竟然遭到了同伙的袭击,重伤的法警和弗兰克一同掉入了河中不知去向。雷(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)带着儿子克里斯(Jamie Anderson 饰)准备进行一场有趣的野营,没想到河流中竟然飘来两名男子,正是法警与弗兰克两人。法警告诉雷,弗兰克是一名重刑犯,他嘱咐雷务必要将弗兰克送至法院。而弗兰克是一个有原则的杀手,他的原则就是无论如何一定要将目标置于死地。一边是执着
简介:George Sidney's adaptation of the satiric Broadway musical smash by Michael Stewart, Charles Strouse, and Lee Adams -- about an Elvis Presley-inspired rock star, who is drafted into the army and who creates a near-riot in a small Midwestern town when
主演:Scott Stepp Derris Nile Nicholas T. King Conny Van Dyke David Zelina Carolyn Crotty
简介:A friend of mine had rented "Shiner" only because the clerks at his local video store were talking about "how much of a bigot the director is," implying that homophobia was at the root of the film (apparently these folks never watched
主演:王牌接线员拉里 理查德·布尔 J. David Moeller Will Clinger Omar Dykes
简介:拉里(王牌接线员拉里 Larry The Cable Guy 饰)从小就有着壮阔的英雄梦,帅气的拿着手枪追捕四处逃窜的犯人是常常在他梦中出现的景致,因此,他成为了一名小镇治安官。可是,现实是这样的无奈,自拉里上任以来,小镇上不仅没有发生过一起犯罪事件,甚至连个陌生人的影子都没有。一次偶然中,拉里遇见了四个神秘的黑衣人,在他们中间拥簇着的,是一个神情紧张的美女。直觉告诉拉里,有些阴谋正在发酵,而这个楚楚可怜的美女显然就是受害者。拉里意气风发的从黑衣人的手中“救出”了美女,可这位美女却并没有如拉里所想的那样