简介:"With a warm heart" is a dark comedy about Konstanty, a rich businessman, who finds out he has been suffering from a serious heart disease and only a quick transplant can save his life. While in the hospital Konstanty meets a young man n
主演:Dominic Armato Antonio Fernández Muñoz 亚力桑德拉·博伊德 Elsa Pinillos 阿尔·伯恩 Denny Delk 内尔·洛斯 艾伦·扬 迈克尔·索里奇 格雷格·白尔杰 加里·科尔曼 Joe Nipote 凯瑟琳·弗里曼 Dave Madden 特伦斯·麦克格文
简介:Third Computer Adventure based on LucasArts famous comedy "Monkey Island" series. After escaping from the voodoo Amusement Park, very young pirate Guybrush Threepwood meets with both his true love, Governor Elaine Marley and his arch-enemy, the