简介:After a devastating orbital space battle, the survivor of a crashed star-fighter must navigate the harsh environment of a desolate planet to save herself before her life support expires.
简介:By Geoff BoughColin is the debut feature from UK Director Marc Price and Nowhere Fast Productions. Easily one of the most inventive of recent indie zombie films, the film tells the story of our main character Colin who we are briefly introduced to in his
主演:悉尼·托勒 Joan Woodbury 曼坦·莫兰 邝炳雄 伊恩·基思 萨姆·弗林特 Cy Kendall Weldon Heyburn Anthony Warde 约翰·戴维森 杜威·罗宾逊 I·斯坦福·乔利 贝蒂·布莱丝 Jack Norton Luke Chan Fred Aldrich Daisy Bufford 乔治·钱德勒
简介:Thomas P. Manning, businessman and chess expert, mysteriously shot in a locked room, dies clutching some chess pieces. Police are baffled, and finally abandon the case. Six months later, victim's daughter Leah Manning, stung by a scurrilous book abou