简介:《大地之子》是科索沃在前南斯拉夫联邦时代下的第一部被禁的电影,由于科索沃电影制片厂(Kosovafilm)本来制作的影片就不多,再加上这一地区连年战乱不断,以致于现在几乎很少能看到科索沃本土导演拍摄的民族电影,所以仅有的几部未被战火所毁坏的影片也更显得珍贵。The first Kosovan film ever to be banned and censored in the former Yugoslavia was Man of Earth, directed and co-written by A
简介:8岁男孩霍勒斯相信圣诞老人的存在。圣诞节那天,他在超级市场收到一份圣诞礼物,却和母亲走丢了,他遇到了约翰。约翰是一个伪装成圣诞老人的小偷,与电视上的圣诞老人不同,约翰并不喜欢小孩。然而,霍勒斯认准了这就是真的圣诞来人,并由此惹出了很多或搞笑或危险的麻烦。最后,约翰发现了圣诞的茉莉,而霍勒斯发现了奇迹。(文:life_is_good@YDY)Horace, a 8 years old boy, who still believes in Santa Clause, received as a Christ
简介:In 1990, a European delegation comes to Tirana to monitor the reforms of the communist regime. A government official is sent on a mission to a faraway prison in order to bring an important dissident back to the capital.
简介:The Van stops, the doors open, and Ben comes out alive. Another few fights and he will be able to leave Albania. He still hopes his father will leave with him.