简介:Law-giver, liberator and spiritual leader – Moses is one of a small number of figures who have transformed the course of human history.In Moses, the latest scientific evidence is combined with state-of-the-art computer graphics and dramatic reconstructio
简介:Under somewhat murky circumstances, American independent filmmaker Jon Moritsugu was invited by PBS to make an hour-long film. The result was the nightmarish Terminal USA, a garishly lit version of the American Dream filmed on the ugliest sitcom set imagi
简介:本影片由六个故事组成,演绎六个堕落者的故事:《游手好闲(the deadbeat)》,猪脚拉里·银行从小丧父、母亲改嫁,失教的他长大后只有游手好闲,与室友玩弄有夫之妇,遭其夫暴揍;《怨妇(the scorned woman)》,女猪脚阿莱娜·赛芝被男友玩弄后,裸照被其传到网络,一生毁掉后持枪疯狂报复负情汉;《毒贩(the drug dealer)》,维克多·银行因吸毒上瘾而从事贩毒,糟糕的是搭档在持枪抢毒时被毙,载着搭档的尸体驾车逃亡,路遇巡警,维克多惊慌开枪打死警察;《街头骗子(the street h