简介:故事围绕四个生活在德国柏林的年轻人展开,讲述了他们视赛车为生命的速度与激情。凯蒂(艾琳·卡希尔 Erin Cahill 饰)经营着一家父亲留给她的汽车修配店,每当夜晚到来这里就成为了聚集各路赛车手的秘密基地。速度对凯蒂来说无异于整个生命,急速驰骋的感觉让她得以忘却失去亲人的痛苦。踩脚踏车送披萨的美国男孩迈克(安德鲁W.·沃克 Andrew W. Walker 饰),从小是就一个孤儿。他从未想过赛车会进入到他的生命中,并改变了他的一切。菜鸟警察埃里克(乔·比蒂 Joe Beattie饰)意外地成为了一名街
主演:Nicole Beattie Doug Bradley Kailey Marie Harris Dean Jacobs Tyler Kale Ian Lemmon Alicia Marie Marcucci Carrie Lee Martz Nivek Ogre Kyle Riordan Steve Rudzinski Wendy Wygant
简介:Henry Stanfield is the new Truth Commissioner in Northern Ireland. Part of his job is to facilitate the peaceful sharing of power in Belfast. However, the investigation into the murder of a teenage boy, who acted as an informer, brings to light more burie
主演:Matilda Brown Karl Beattie Curt Bonnem Marta Dusseldorp
简介:The iMom will change your life! Well, at least that’s what the ads claim. But when a mother leaves her kids under the supervision of the family’s iMom, an unexpected connection is formed.The iMom is an award winning short film by Ariel Martin
简介:安贝尔(麦当娜 Madonna 饰)是一个富有而又漂亮的女人,可惜她的脾气实在是太不可爱,他人看似美好的一切对于安贝尔来说都不足挂齿,就连他的丈夫托尼(布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood 饰)都不知道自己的妻子究竟要怎样生活才会快乐。为了讨安贝尔的欢心,托尼安排了一次邮轮上的旅行,从希腊前往意大利。尽管满心牢骚,但安贝儿好歹还是开始了她的旅程,并且在船上结识了大幅吉塞佩(阿德里亚诺·吉安尼尼 Adriano Giannini 饰)。安贝尔讨厌吉塞佩的粗俗和下流,逮着机会就在众人面前对他冷嘲
简介:Set in New Zealand in the summer of 1975, 50 Ways of Saying Fabulous is the story of 12 year-old Billy, who is about to discover that growing up is a lot more confusing than he could have ever imagined. He is a farmer's only son who is out of step wi