主演:克里丝塔·艾伦 Paul Michael Robinson Kimberly Rowe Tiendra Demian Brad Nickell Timothy Di Pri Reginald Chevalier Kristen Elizabeth Debra K. Beatty Tom Stern Deena Casiano Jon Kada Jack Lawson Jonathon Breck Lori Morrissey
简介:Emmanuelle, a hedonistic young woman, finds herself teaching the ways of sexuality to a crew of aliens who land on Earth.
简介:《圣诞颂歌》是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的小说名篇,主人公史高哲(Scrooge,又译“斯克鲁奇”)是个远近闻名的吝啬鬼,他刻薄、冷漠而又视财如命的形象让人记忆深刻。史高哲经营者一家账房,可是,有一天,他那死去的生意伙伴雅各布的鬼魂出现,改变了一切。In this adaptation of the Christmas story narrated by Charles Dickens himself (played by Gonzo the Great) with the occasional comme
主演:David Bradley Brad Milne 托斯顿·尼克尔 Cameron Mitchell Jr. Pavlo Shannon Charny Julie Boucher Jennifer Thompson Randall Connoly Larry Tittle Tiffany Shrimpton Jennifer Grosy Jason Campbell Beatrice Funk Chad Hills Daniel Ford Beavis 罗克·拉福蒂纳
主演:罗丝·伯恩 黑川力矢 尼古拉斯·霍普 伊丽丝·麦克雷迪 Tim Richards Bree Beadman Satya Gumbert Tina Bursill Dominic Condon Tim McGarry John Boxer Harry Lawrence Masao Ishiguro Stephanie Daniel Jean-Pierre Mignon 堺雅人