主演:Markie Adams 罗伯托·阿奎尔 Tina Arning Lauren Barnette Christina Collard Chelsea Edmundson Ben Esler 凡妮莎·李·艾维甘 Gloria Ferman Alizee Gaillard Karli Rae Grogan Serena Hendrix 卡梅隆·贾宝 斯特林·琼斯 菲利浦·卡纳
简介:The Morning After is a feature film that consists of 8 vignettes that are inter-cut throughout the film. The 8 vignettes are about when you wake up next to someone the next morning...
简介:This film is about the friendship of 4 freshmen, that dynamically changes with 2 of them falling in love with each other.Though the film is short, it develops the characters well. The plot is told well. The initial tension between the two roommates are p
主演:Charles Shaughnessy ... David Tracy Nelson ... Jenna Ken Barnett ... Martin
简介:大卫是一个科学家,尽管他的著作拥有许多读者,然而同行们却对他的学术观点嗤之以鼻。某次伊朗进行秘密核试验,结果导致地球磁极发生变化,一场巨大的灾难正迫在眉睫,而这一事实正与大卫当初的预言相符。现在大卫必须赶紧行动起来,和周围人一起为拯救地球而努力……When Earth's magnetic poles begin reversing, David Terran, the only scientist who predited the possibility of such a sci-fi d
简介:甲流(H1N1)病毒爆发,致令全世界陷入一片末世的恐慌之中。但在这一巨大灾难面前,人类的丑恶与贪婪愈加彰显无遗。亿万女富豪出资资助格雷夫曼教授(乔·扎索 Joe Zaso 饰)的医学研究小组,要他研究甲流病毒的变种,开发最为强大的病毒。虽多少受着良心上的苛责,但格雷夫曼依然继续他的实验,并且不惜拿活人作观察标本。与此同时,品学兼优、才华横溢的29岁英国生物科学学者马尔科姆·伯尔(杰·戴伊 Jai Day 饰)应聘加入格雷夫曼的小组,毫不知情的他全心投身于甲流疫苗的探索中,却意外制造出了拥有强大杀伤力的甲流
主演:Fred Allen Jack Benny William Bendix Binnie Barnes Robert Benchley
简介:Wealthy Frederick Trumble makes an eccentric new will, secretes much of his wealth in a chair, then, within seconds, is murdered. The new heir, Fred Floogle, runs a flea circus. Of course, the reputed $12 million inheritance goes to his family's head