简介:A powerful historical drama based on the true story of Maria Leiko, famous actress who late in her career has to decide between fame and love for her grandchild, between her ideals or the lies of Stalin’s totalitarian regime.
简介:Julia is a mother, or rather, one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have had their lives torn apart by the widespread violence in a country waging a war against its women. Julia is searching for Ger, her daughter. And in her search, she
主演:Artur Volpi 米凯尔·儒埃尔萨斯 Marcos Oli Daniel Tavares Fabrício Pietro Juliana Gerais Igor Cosso Cleomácio Inácio 海伦娜·阿尔贝加里亚 Sidney Santiago Hugo Kenzo Bruno Rocha Rafael Americo Heron Leal Marco Barreto Pither Lopes Maitê Schneider Arthur Alfaia João Victor Tol
简介:João, um jovem cineasta gay que, ao ter a produção de seu primeiro filme cancelada, descobre uma nova fonte de renda dirigindo vídeos eróticos caseiros. Ao mesmo tempo, precisa lidar com um turbilhão de sentimentos após o fim de um relacionamento de dez a