简介:Garrett is a rising YouTube star. Shell is a deeply emotional fan. When they begin a romantic relationship, he's forced to question whether opening your life to strangers online is an invitation to community and rescue...or to stalking, obsession and
主演:Lia Franca 维托里奥·德西卡 Cesare Zoppetti Aldo Moschino Carola Lotti Anna DAdria Gemma Schirato Maria Montesano 玛丽娅·德丹尼 Tino Erler
简介:The film was a great success, De Sica and Lia Franca became stars and the song Parlami d'amore Mariù was a hit. Rarelly in Italian film history, it was filmed on real Milan locations, nowadays it is a sort of documentary how was Milan in the 30s. The
简介:威爾斯啟發了黑色電影風格,又以這個類型風格來處理本片。平靜小城受人尊敬的教授原來是納粹餘孽,聯邦密探微服偵查,引發出連場殺戮。威爾斯飾演教授,與康城影帝愛德華.羅便臣飾演的聯邦密探,大鬥演技,成為一時佳話。殺人毒計更為影片帶來奧斯卡最佳原著劇本和威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎提名,又是他最賣座的電影。 Welles, who had been an original insp
简介:金波医生(Harrison Ford 饰)的妻子在家中被人谋杀,虽然金波当晚撞见独臂凶手并与之搏斗,但是凶手终于逃走,金波本人却因种种不利证据被判定为谋杀罪。在押解前往监狱的途中,一名犯人试图逃脱造成狱车事故,金波在混乱中搭救了一名警员并趁夜色逃逸。赶到事故现场的联邦司法官山姆(Tommy Lee Jones 饰)接手此案追捕金波,山姆为人精明强干,作风强硬,更重要的是,他怀有一颗探求真相的正义之心。山姆带队与金波展开了节奏紧凑的追捕与反追捕,金波在四面无援的困境中,依靠为爱妻报仇的意念坚持了下来,并将山