主演:乔蒂卡 Sharbani Mukherji 塔布 Lakshmi Ishita Arun Sukumari Aachi Manorama Bharti Achrekar Manasi Scott Mita Vasisht
简介:After the passing away of her parents in an automobile accident, Radhika moves in to live with her aunt, Malathi, and studies Zoology in Lexicon Science College. She is very friendly with Basu Subtankar and both, along with other girls, create quite a ruc
主演:Angela Nugara Giacinto Di Pascoli Gianpaolo Cassarino Enrico Achilli Angela Durantini Martina Gionfriddo Andrea Balducci Gabriella Taddei Vittorio Vigneri Aldo Fruttuosi Rosalba Curatola Enrico Pelosini
简介:"Veteran experimental filmmakers Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub helmed this unusual adaptation of a novel by Elio Vittorini. Focused on the triumphs and failures of a group of laborers and farm hands who pooled their resources to operate an a
主演:James Achille Chris Boudreaux Eric DAgostino Paris Dylan Forrest Kiyoshi Hoffman
简介:熱爆全球網劇《光復三溫暖》登上大銀幕,拍成電影版爆笑登場,更長、更大、更濕、更大汗,瘋狂抵死,笑到出水。超過210集網劇、全球5200萬點擊率,人氣爆登的網紅系列拍成電影版,讓觀眾重拾久違了的美式同志爆笑喜劇趣味。化妝界女皇和助手誓要找到青春之泉,卻發現泉源來自一間健身室的地下,為了得到青春秘方的泉水,女皇派助手深入濕蒸房調查,更想盡辦法令健身室倒閉,侵吞優質地段。一班常客只好披甲上陣,捍衛使用這間健身室濕蒸的權利。導演JC Calciano前作《Is it just me》、《eCupid》和《The
主演:Brant Lustwata Dr. Frank Mugisha Achiro P. Olwoch
简介:In Plain Sight is a story about the LGBTQ community in Uganda in another light. The world has painted Uganda as the worst place for a homosexual to be and maybe it is but the homosexuals in Uganda live a fairly normal life doing normal things and flying u
简介:"Free Hand for the Tough Cop" is another wildly exiting, gritty and remarkably plotted 70's Euro-Cult cinema highlight, with a structure that is delightfully convoluted, wicked dialogs & action situations that rank amongst Italy's
简介:David Bek, Armenian national hero, leads the liberation struggle of Armenians against Persian conquerors in the XVIII century. He was one of the most prominent figures of the Armenian liberation movement against the Safavid and Ottoman occupying forces. I