主演:布莱恩·布朗 Shari Sebbens Sean Keenan Burgess Abernethy Will Allen Elias Anton Kerith Atkinson
简介:On Australia's most controversial national holiday, the lives of three Australians from diverse cultural backgrounds will collide, illu minating contemporary issues of racial tension and ...
主演:洁蕊·瑞恩 安东尼·莱姆克 Bruno Verdoni 肖恩·塔克 提拉·斯考比 弗兰克·萧宾 娜塔莉·瓦尼耶 Lori Graham Eugene Brotto Claudia Besso 理查德·朱特拉斯 David Gow 克里斯蒂安·保罗 霍华德·比莱尔曼 Ziad Ghanem Paul Stewart Nicole Braber Alice Tran 孙晓 Ross Neill Anne Beauvais Jaime Del Aguila Niko Nikolov Fariba Bonakda
简介:Sophie Fyne, an environmentally friendly fashion designer and advocate for women around the world is about to launch her highly anticipated line of clothing and open her first flagship store when one of her employees is found murdered. As a series of frig
简介:由中英合力打造的纪录片《你所不知道的中国》第三季(下简称《中国3》)3日晚6时在江苏卫视和英国广播公司世界新闻频道(BBC WorldNews)同步播出。《中国3》(Tales from Modern China)共6集,每集23分钟,定于北京时间每周六晚6时播放一集。6集纪录片包括了24个故事,囊括了世界最长的高铁网、全球最大网购狂欢节、世界最快超级计算机、世界最大单体光伏电站和世界第一高桥等多个“世界之最”。据悉,6集纪录片以中国中部、东北、西北、东部、东南、西南不同地区为划分,展示中国不同地域、
简介:In 2002, a German version of Charlie's Angels, Wilde Engel,was produced by the German channel RTL. The show was known as Anges de choc in French-speaking countries, and as Three Wild Angels in English-speaking ones.From Wikipedia-------------------
简介:《Lexx》的第一季是作为迷你短剧上映的,原名叫《Lexx:The Dark Zone Stories》(Lexx:黑暗地带的故事),首播于加拿大城市电视台。不久,美国有线电影频道购买了播映权,并于1997年7月-8月播出。第一季大受好评之后,不久就拍摄了第二季。可惜性感女主角Eva Habermann在第二季第二集就被换掉,很是遗憾。
主演:约翰·斯坦顿 Tim Elston 詹姆斯·康顿 Brian Young Adam Garnett Tom Richards Sally Conabere Phillip Hinton Steve Rackman Bert Bianchi 罗伯特·科尔比 John Krummel 肖恩·斯库利 比尔·扬 Brian Moll Billy Ayers Lyn Collingwood
简介:Bellamy is an Australian television series made by the Reg Grundy Organisation for the Ten Network in 1981. The series focused on a maverick cop named Steve Bellamy. His partner was Detective Mitchell. Recurring characters in the series were the disapprov