简介:Katie goes to great lengths to appease Principal Ablin in order to ensure Taylor graduates high school; Greg finishes writing the final chapter of Lonnie's book; Oliver is devastated to learn Cooper's family will be moving out of Westport.
简介:平凡无奇的一天,两个路怒症的邂逅引发了一连串的事件。失意的承包商丹尼·周(史蒂文·元 Steven Yeun 饰)不仅被白色奔驰车挡住去路,还遭到车主的无情鄙视。怒火中烧的他驾驶红色皮卡一路追逐,最终却以失败告终。随后不久,他通过车牌号找到奔驰的主人,谁知对方竟是一名女子。女人名叫爱美·刘(黄阿丽 Ali Wong 饰),她独立创业,有着看似幸福美满的家庭,但是丈夫有意无意的忽视却总让她充满愤懑和不满。丹尼的出现让两个路怒症心底的怒火都得到宣泄的出口。他们想方设法调查对方,攻讦彼此,与此同时又把身边的人卷
简介:Utilizing archival footage punctuated by contemporary interviews with comedy legends and scholars, this is the history of not only what makes us laugh, but how comedy has affected the social and political landscape throughout history.
简介:As the Otto family ushers in a new era, Katie and Greg make the emotional decision to sell the family minivan; Daniel suffers a setback that forces him to rethink how to accomplish his goals.