简介:Between the hours of ten and twelve a piece of news stops a family in its tracks, while around them life goes on as before. Just another summer's day. But on this particular day a piece of news, delivered by two officers in a police car, changes the
简介:◎ 分 级:法国:-16影片根据奥地利作家萨克.莫索克(Sacher-Masoch)最具代表性的同名小说(Venus in furs)改编,讲述了一个受过良好教育的男子塞万宁(Severin)签署契约自愿成为一位女士旺达(Wanda)的奴隶,并受其驱使、奴役、惩罚的故事。莫索克是SM疟恋文学的鼻祖之一,另一位则是闻名天下的萨德侯爵(Marquis de Sade),而施虐(sadism)与受虐(masochism)这两个概念正是心理学家艾宾(KrafftEbing)从两人的名字中演化出来,以形容渴望