简介:故事发生在二十世纪三十年代的法国乡村,这里风景如诗如画,一片绿意丛生的沼泽地给整个村落带来的勃勃的生机,人们亲切的称它为“清水湾”。加里斯(雅克·甘布林 Jacques Gamblin 饰)和瑞顿(雅克·维列雷 Jacques Villeret 饰)是在清水湾的哺育下长大的原住民,他们一个性格大大咧咧形单影只过着自由自在的生活,另一个早早结婚但却一直忘不了初恋情人并对凶悍的妻子很是不满。境遇和个性迥然不同的两人是青梅竹马的好友,之后他们又结识了身居城市却向往乡村宁静生活的阿梅代(米歇尔·塞罗 Miche
简介:普泽(雅克·维列雷 Jacques Villeret 饰)是当地一名受人尊敬的小学老师,他还有另一个身份——小丑。一到星期天,他就带上家当,在戏团里表演令人捧腹的小丑独角戏。儿子鲁西恩十分不理解他这种行为,觉得父亲的表演令他难堪。普泽的好朋友安德(安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier 饰)看出了鲁西恩的心思,于是向他讲起了一段往事。二战期间,在法国的一个小镇上,普泽和安德为了讨好他们心仪的一个姑娘,决定当一回抗战英雄。夜里,他们把德军占领的铁路设施炸毁了,同时也炸伤了一名法国老工人。不久,
简介:Bonaventure (Pierre Richard) is a semi-competent travel agent who makes up stories about his great romantic adventures to tell to the girls in his office. One evening, he meets a woman who has the same name as one of his made-up romances, and they share a
简介:In this hectic farce, Louis Aubinard (Bob Hoskins) is at the bottom of every totem pole he's ever come near, a nebbish and unattractive man who makes a poor living as a photographer of religious tableaux. His sister doesn't respect him and delib