简介:Carmen Piccini's delightful documentary "The Magic of Fellini" was shown recently on the Sundance channel. It was a complete surprise because of its subject, Federico Fellini, who was one of the best directors of Italy of the last century,
简介:German journalist Gideon Bachmann documents the filming of Fellini's Satyricon, with interviews in which the Italian filmmaker talks about his methods of creation and production. A very rare occasion to see the genius in action.
简介:本片是一部两段式的电影,由安娜·麦兰妮演出两位导演所拍的短片。第一段是由帕利拉诺执导的《人声》(The Human Voice),描写一名女子透过电话跟一个已不爱她的男人之间纠缠不清的感情故事。整部影片几乎都是在女子的卧室演独脚戏。第二段是罗西里尼执导的《奇迹》(The Miracle),描述一名头脑简单的村姑,在山边被路过的陌生人诱奸,她以为这个男人是使徒圣约瑟。(饰演这名大色狼的人日后竟然成了国宝级的大导演,他就是费里尼)。不久,村姑发现自己怀孕了,村民都耻笑她,但她却坚信这是神迹,她肚子里怀的婴孩就