简介:The lives of two eccentric metal detectorists, who spend their days plodding along ploughed tracks and open fields, hoping to disturb the tedium by unearthing the fortune of a lifetime.
简介:Photon solar energy group is aiming to build a solar farm in Danebury. Blissfully unaware of the plan Andy and Lance are still looking for buried treasure - construction worker Andy, with Becky and their baby living with disapproving mother-in-law Veronic
简介:Lady Hugh, the intolerant Bible-fanatic president of Oxford's Mayfield college, turns against anything gay. Shortly after the popular a nd decent student Will McEwan shoots himself in the head in St. Mark's church after waving a revolver at Reve
简介:The Truth is an outrageous murder-mystery for the 'Me Generation'. Seven strangers go to a remote retreat for a week of soul searching. Encouraged to tell the truth at all times by their guru Donna Shuck, they venture on a spiritual journey of p