简介:首度以人见人爱的大熊猫和中国功夫作为故事主线,《功夫熊猫》定于6月全球上映,届时配合举世瞩目的2008年北京奥运,加上武术首度被列为奥运特设项目,相信定必在全世界掀起势不可挡的中国功夫热潮,电影有望打破纪录,勇夺全球动画票房金牌!梦工厂对这部重头戏非常重视,除了出动《怪物史瑞克》、《马达加斯加》班底精心构思故事、设计角色,钻研最先进的电脑特技外,更请来最星光熠熠的声演阵容,包括搞笑巨星杰克·布莱克( Jack Black )声演熊猫阿宝、金像影帝达斯汀·霍夫曼( Dustin Hoffman )声演施福
简介:The series follows Kiff, an optimistic squirrel whose best intentions often lead to complete chaos, and her best friend Barrya sweet and mellow bunny. Set in the bustlinc mountains, where animals and magica creatures live together in harmony, the series f
简介:这是一部典型的美国英雄主义电影。香港回归前夕,国际恐怖组织和香港的造假巨头准备抢在回归前完成一项走私活动――将一批香港生产的内藏微型炸弹的假冒名牌V6牛仔裤偷运到美国。幸好美国中情局及早察觉了恐怖分子的计划,于是先后派出了特工哈利(保罗•索尔维诺 Paul Sorvino 饰)、汤米(罗伯•施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)和凯伦(莱拉•罗尚 Lela Rochon 饰)前往香港调查。不料道高一尺魔高一丈,中情局的特工来到香港后先后和局里失去联系身陷囫囵。中情局无奈之下,只好请香港警方出面帮忙调查
简介:Kent is an unmarried, 40-something children's-show writer living alone with his cat in Los Angeles. He spends his days sketching gag cartoons and bouncing ideas off his hyperactive friend, Kev , and his nights staving off loneliness in Internet chat
简介:Sam (Joe Swanberg) has feelings for Juliette (Josephine Decker), the lead actress in a sexually explicit drama centered on a couple's one night stand. He must maintain a professional relationship while directing her. All is going well until Juliette
简介:Jane Adams is an actress living in a house precariously perched above the beach in Malibu. Her age exempts her from more and more acting opportunities. That's when her young, aspiring-actress niece arrives for a weekend stay - a weekend filled with c