简介:In a future world where Earth's ozone layer has been completely destroyed, a brilliant but obsessed scientist, Hank Symes uses illegally obtained biological materials for an experiment that he hopes will save the world. In the course of his work, a t
主演:肯尼斯·威尔什 坦图·卡丁诺 苏珊·伍尔德里奇 Vera Marin Diane Debassige 汤姆·杰克逊 Christopher Barrington-Leigh Jeffrey Smith Meredith Rimmer Yolanda Cardinal 珍妮特·赖特
简介:Lily and her three youngest children join her husband David Sutton, a doctor in an isolated northern Alberta town. Their eleven-year-old son arrives later from boarding school. David conceals a dark secret which caused the family to leave England without