主演:维果·莫腾森 石桥凌 迈克尔·诺里 富兰克林·阿贾伊 冈本玉二 安津罗森 罗伯特·福斯特 约翰·藤冈 尼基·凯特 James Taenaka 一色采子 Jeff Bankert Rosine Ace Hatem John Hammil 纳丹·晶 Toni Naples Scott Roberts
简介:A story of a police who infiltrates inside Yakuza which has business in US soil. But soon he discovers the beauty and respect of family he's offered place in.. Companela's guys, Italian mafiosos are seen arrogant and dumb, while Japanese crimina
简介:When Bessie Faro's husband Johnny dies in a plane crash in Veracruz, Mexico, she finds that his air cargo business is deeply in the red. When she visits the airline's terminal in Veracruz, she discovers her husband was pumping large amounts of m
简介:史蒂文·泰勒(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)身为一位叱咤华尔街的百万富豪,金钱和地位却始终无法令他满足,他渴望的是妻子艾米丽(格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)的忠贞爱情,但却从来吝于表达自己对她的爱。美貌与才情兼备的艾米丽并不想成为丈夫身边的一只花瓶,工作之余她偶然结识了才华横溢的穷画家戴维·肖(维果·莫腾森 Viggo Mortensen 饰),从他那里尝到了丈夫不曾给过的爱恋激情。然而,频繁的幽会最终还是被泰勒察觉,妒火中烧加之妻子身后巨额保险金的诱惑,使
简介:作为一枚政治筹码,海军情报官欧尼尔(黛咪·摩尔 Demi Moore 饰)成为了美国历史上第一个参加特种部队“海豹突击队”训练的女性军官。凭借此事,一直呼吁男女平等的参议员狄海雯(安妮·班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft 饰)获得了诸多选票。然而,利欲熏心的狄海雯根本就不关心欧尼尔作为个体的感受和遭遇,因为她心里明白,欧尼尔根本不可能完成特种部队里残酷而又可怕的训练。让所有人大吃一惊的是,欧尼尔不仅出色的完成了训练任务,甚至有可能通过最终考试成为特种部队正式的一员,在此节骨眼上,狄海雯只得使出阴招,
主演:帕特里克·布利斯托夫 Sue Giosa 维果·莫腾森 Scott Kraft Daniel Lench
简介:A dull and slow moving short film that offers almost nothing to the viewer, 9 June 2007Author: bob the moo from Birmingham, UKJack lives along, divorced from his wife Aileen. His only passion is dead musician Delroy who he worships and aspires to visit