简介:A love connection clicks for Lila when she moves back to Berlin and meets Christopher -- never realizing that she's fallen for a rock star who's signed a contract to remain single for life.
简介:这部纪录片是根据弗莱德·格林的作品《我们想要另一个世界:德国年轻人1900-2010》(Wir wollen eine andere Welt: Jugend in Deutschland 1900 – 2010),由导演Jan-Hinrik Drevs和两位演员安娜·玛利亚·穆埃和柯思亚·乌曼合作拍成。电影主要以相应历史时期真实人物的日记、信件、照片和录音为主线,有真实录像,有演员拍摄的重现场景,生动地重现了德国从上世纪初到新世纪年轻人的面貌。电影由NDR和WDR电视台联合出品,2014年4月在ARD播
简介:A man foils an attempted murder, then flees the crew of would-be killers along with their intended target as a woman he's just met tries to find him.