简介:故事发生在繁华的大都市纽约,这里的生活对于年幼的女孩梅奇(阿娜塔·阿普洛 Onata Aprile 饰)来说却并不轻松。梅奇的母亲苏珊娜(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)是一个过气的摇滚明星,年老色衰的她日日郁郁寡欢,陷入愤怒的情绪中无法自拔,苏珊娜的丈夫比尔(史蒂夫·库根 Steve Coogan 饰)则是一个神经质的艺术品商人,两人的婚姻早已名存实亡,而梅奇的存在让他们都不甘心放手。眼看着离婚无法避免,争夺梅奇的抚养权成为了苏珊娜和比尔两人的头等大事,为此,他们甚至找到了林肯(亚历山
简介:A year has passed, Lord Glendenning has died and Moray is working in Paris. Recently married to the philandering Tom Weston, who has a young daughter Flora, Katherine, now owner of the Paradise, summons Moray to return and revitalize the store, which is l