简介:Le 11 septembre 2001, dans la matinée, deux avions de ligne américains détournés par des pirates de l'air viennent s'écraser sur les tours du World Trade Center, en plein coeur de New York. De nombreux citoyens, des centaines de journalistes, de
简介:Based upon Gurdjieff's book, Meetings with Remarkable Men is the story of his search through the Middle East and Central Asia for answers to the question of the meaning of life. The film, directed by Peter Brook, was made on location in the mountains
简介:Since his birth, 30 years ago, John Soames is in a coma. Now he's operated and brought to life in a neurologic clinic. A tense plan shall make him develop from a 30 years old baby to a man, but there's no time for the love and care a normal baby
简介:20世纪10年代,罗马贵族达尼埃莱•迪巴尼亚斯科Daniele di Bagnasco(特伦斯·斯坦普饰)是个上流社会的花花公子,爱上了一个漂亮的小资女人玛诺埃拉·罗代里吉Manoela Roderighi(劳拉·安托内利饰),什么也无法抵挡他与玛诺埃拉的激情往来。一段时间之后,他的心上人开始经常流连于妓院。达尼埃莱赶到那个优雅的妓院,让他难以置信的是玛诺埃拉的平静和无意识,也没有发现她有什么特别的相好。终于,在一个暴雨之夜,玛诺埃拉向达尼埃莱坦言,她遇上了一位男人。达尼埃莱不愿意从她的嘴里吐出这个男人的