简介:史丹利库柏力克是走在时代前端的观察者、预言家。一九七一年改编自安东尼伯吉斯同名小说,以色泽浓郁瑰丽的未来场景,勾勒社会青年的失序状态,写下其艺术形式巅峰的不朽经典,但其中大量的暴力与色情场面,却也在当年引发出诸多争议。适逢《发条橘子》四十週年纪念,《从前有颗发条橘子……》请到男主角麦坎麦道威尔、遗孀克莉斯蒂安库柏力克等人,畅谈《发条橘子》诞生的经过与轶事,娓娓道来让主角唱着《万花嬉春》主题曲〈Singing In the Rain〉逞凶的灵感,以及导演当年亲自要求英国停止放映《发条橘子》的始末,并由社会
简介:Dalziel and Pascoe is a popular British television crime drama based on the Dalziel and Pascoe books by Reginald Hill, which was first broadcast in March 1996. It is set in Yorkshire, and is about two detectives. After Recalled to Life (4.2), only one of
简介:Detective Superintendent Andy Dalziel goes to The British Grenadier to console the pub's owner Stella, who has just had a serious fight with her husband. Suspecting her of infidelity, Stella's husband returns with a gun, and takes his wife, Andy