简介:Romantic drama spaning nearly 20 years involving a deaf-mute couple, Haricharian and Aarti. Deaf and dumb bicycle messenger Haricharian meets equally deaf Aarti, and persuades her to go to sign language school to communicate with her mother and brother. T
简介:这部讽刺故事发生在1856年殖民地印度的Lucknow。Wazed Ali Shah是印度最后的一个自治王国的国王。他整天呆在自己的宫殿里,吟诗赏乐,跳舞嬉戏。东印度公司意欲控制这个富裕的国家,派了将军Outram暗地里来扫除吞并过程中的障碍。与此同时,两个贵族,Mir和Mirza,沉浸在对象棋的热情中,对其他事不闻不问。他们不想被谁统治谁这样的小事所打扰。就在两个人下棋的时候,他们的婚姻趋向瓦解,国家的形势也越来越糟糕。
简介:Rajesh Khanna plays Mumtaz's jealous husband who begins to doubt her fidelity when his best friend Sanjeev Kumar enters their lives. She is unable to convince Rajesh Khanna that she loves only him. He leaves her, not knowing that she is pregnant with